4 Bench Boosting Fundamentals

Hold these 4 contractions while benching to get stronger. Practice with the Warm-Up to learn how to fire the right muscles and control them.

1. Scap Retraction: Cue: Squeeze your shoulder blades together

Warm-up: Band Retraction


2. T-spine extension: Cue: Tall chest. Flare your chest out

Warm-up: Foam Roller


3. Lats activated: Cue: Pull your shoulders away from your ears. Bend the bar

Warm-up: Pull-ups


4. Posterior Chain activated: Cue: Feet planted, Drive knees as far out as you can and Squeeze your butt

Warm-up: Glute Bridges


Case Study

About 7 weeks ago, I started working with a client wanting to reach 225lbs on the bench. He’s never done anything heavier than 155 llbs and had a trainer before, a few years back. He currently just does cardio.

After our assessment, we tested his 5 Rep Max [RM]. He maxed at 165 lbs. 1×5. He struggled, but he pressed them up one way or another, twisting and wiggling.

We started working on these Fundamentals right away. For the first three weeks, he failed at 170 lbs. 1×5, so we stayed at 165lbs. His benching form was getting slightly tighter, but still sloppy. After failing consecutive weeks, I began to looking for adjustments, but he told me that he was starting understand the Fundamentals, so we decided to stay true to the program.

By the 4th week, everything began to click for him and we got 170 lbs. for 1×5. He hasn’t failed since.

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