Protein Aint Only For The Bros.

Ahhh, protein. The building block of life.


For lifters, protein is the nectar of the gods…The gateway to gainz… The swole sauce.

It helps rebuild muscles, stimulate muscle growth and provides a cool post-workout ritual. 

Recently, I’ve been getting questions from non-lifters about how protein can benefit them. They’ve heard that protein shakes are only needed after lifting weights, which isn’t entirely false. Just outdated. 

So when would it be appropriate for non-lifters to indulge in a brotein shake?

The main thing we need to focus on is Heart Rate, HR.

Steady-State: Your HR is maintained at an elevated rate, but never going beyond your threshold (above 70% VO2Max). I know that sounds super scientific, but just think of it like this – If you’re just cruising and not really busting your ass, it’s Steady-State. This could be walking, jogging, stretching, recovery days, etc. 

High-Intensity Interval Training: Sprints, sports specific training, kettlebells, circuits. If you’re blasting yourself to the max, you better have some protein powder on deck. HIIT elicits similar pathways as strength and hypertrophy training.

Now then, here are my recommendations for using protein depending on the type of training you’re doing.

  1. Steady-State: Add protein shake as a meal replacement. Incorporate the grams of protein as a part of your overall total of protein intake for the day. This gives you more control. You can have your steak without the mashed potatoes and increased chance of heart disease.
  2. HIIT: Depends on your goal. If you’re trying to grow muscle mass, you should take protein throughout the day, not just post workout. Studies have shown that an elevated protein intake can promote protein synthesis at a higher rate. If you’re just trying to recover, post workout should suffice.




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